Wednesday, September 4, 2013


          Fear is something that a lot of people have. Someone can fear many different things but fear is something different to everyone. Some people have a lot more fear than others, they can fear anything. One thing i personally feared before getting into college was having to go to college. When your in high school a persons world is a lot different then when they are out. I know one thing that is a huge difference and i really feared a lot was in high school we had coordinators who would do everything for you. This included creating your schedule and classes, calling you in if you are failing a class, and much more. We never really had to pay attention to anything because us as high school students knew that if something was going wrong or was not right then we would definitely be hearing from our coordinators. In college on the other hand you have to do everything yourself and don't really get much guidance and help. If you sign up for a class you don't need or have already taken, then that is on you. where as in high school they made sure nothing like that could ever happen. That was a really big adjustment and change that i feared was messing up because i had to do it all on my own. i am still trying to get the hang of it but i can say that i do not fear it as much as i did before i graduated high school. I think i feared the unknown more than actually having to do it. They did not stress enough at the high school i went to how independent college would be. they made it sound like it would be similar to high school and it would be perfectly fine. Little do they inform us it is very independent and very different but in a good way. I love college!

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